
At Birds Bush Primary School, we have created a knowledge rich curriculum that is ambitious, well sequenced, and carefully planned so that our children acquire the knowledge and skills to progress into the next stages of their learning.

We believe that our curriculum encompasses everything that happens in our school from the knowledge that is learnt in the classroom to the hidden curriculum that is everywhere else – from the corridors to our assemblies and our extracurricular visits.

Our diverse curriculum has been developed by experts and exposes our children to a diverse range of traditions, cultures and environments. This makes sure that our children have a deep-rooted respect and understanding of not only our community but also the wider world around them and beyond. This ensures that our children expand their cultural capital whilst showing respect for others and embedding their Modern British Values.

Where appropriate, our learning opportunities make links throughout our subjects to make meaningful connections. For example, children learn about Northern Europe in Geography before learning about the Vikings in history.

Alongside the academic curriculum, we ensure that we develop the ‘whole child’.  We have structured learning environment where we work to cultivate the aesthetic, creative, physical, spiritual, moral and social areas of experience for the benefit of all our pupils.  The School is fully committed to Equal Opportunities, Multi-cultural Education and promoting Modern British Values.

Further information can be obtained on our curriculum by contacting our school office. 

EYFS Long Term Planning
Year 1 Long Term Planning
Year 2 Long Term Planning
Year 3 Long Term Planning
Year 4 Long Term Planning
Year 5 Long Term Planning
Year 6 Long Term Planning